1. Submission and reviewing process
Submission of an article implies that it has not previously been published, and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Please note that only papers of no more than 40 pages (Times New Roman 12 pt., double-spaced, printed on one side of the page only, with all pages numbered consecutively), including references and footnotes, will normally be accepted.
Usually at least one author of any article published in Folia Linguistica Historica must be a member of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE). However, non-members may also submit manuscripts for consideration. Once the review process has been completed, if their papers are accepted for publication they will be required to join SLE.
Contributions are to be in the English language only. Spelling should be British or American English and should be consistent throughout the paper. Contributors whose native language is not English should have their manuscripts carefully checked by a native speaker.
Authors submitting papers for consideration should send an anonymized electronic copy of the paper submitted as a PDF file and in a word-processor format compatible with PC/Windows XP/MS Word, both as e-mail attachments. After producing the PDF file, check it to make sure that figures appear as intended and that the correct fonts have been used for special characters such as phonetics.
Author details should not be included in the electronic files but in the body of the e-mail message accompanying the submission. The email should include the title of the article, an abstract of about 100-200 words, suggested keywords (from four to six), author’s name and affiliation, and full address, including e-mail and fax information, indicating –in case there is more than one author– who will be responsible for proofreading and correspondence.
Already at this stage an additional abstract of about 100-200 words is required. Do not duplicate the abstract in the introduction or the conclusions, and vice versa. Please remember also that an abstract merely states what the article is about: it is not a summary. So do not argue any points, and do not give references unless the article is about someone else's work.
Within three workdays of submission authors will receive an acknowledgement of receipt via e-mail.
Submitted articles are sent to two qualified reviewers for peer review. FolH seeks to conduct the review process and respond to authors regarding the outcome of the review as soon as possible.
In order to get an idea of the criteria we expect contributions to meet, authors are encouraged to have a look at the FolH Review Guidelines and Form. Authors may use them as a guideline to help them in preparing high quality submissions.
In general, all correspondence concerning Folia Linguistica Historica should be sent to:
Professor Dr. Nikolaus Ritt
Editor, Folia Linguistica Historica
Department of English University of Vienna Altes AKH,
Hof 8, Spitalgasse 2-4
1090 Vienna, Austria
2. Form of the Manuscript (Style Sheet)
Concerning the overall form of the manuscript, authors are asked to keep formatting to a minimum; do not use right-justified margins and do not divide words at ends of lines.
Authors whose manuscripts have been accepted for publication should follow the guidelines of the Mouton de Gruyter style sheet (see below)!
Generally, the manuscript(s) should be Times New Roman 12pt (or any other modern font file that ships with Windows Visa/ Windows 7, e.g. Unicode SIL Doulos), single-spaced, single-sided, with all pages numbered consecutively.
Next to the information provided in the style sheet, we would ask you to observe the following:
All forms in languages not normally written in the Roman alphabet, including Greek and Russian, need to be transcribed or transliterated, unless the focus is on specific aspects of the original orthography. In the case of languages (such as Greek, Russian or Hebrew) or subfields (such as comparative-historical linguistics) for which there is an established transliteration system, that system should be employed. Elsewhere, IPA symbols are to be employed.
Notes must appear as footnotes not as endnotes. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively, starting from number 1. Place note: numbers AFTER all punctuation marks.
Examples in footnotes should be numbered with small roman numerals, also in parentheses, i.e. (i), (ii), etc.
An acknowledgements footnote should be marked with a superscript '1' (not an asterisk) at the end of the title.
Concerning references in the bibliography, capitalize only the first word of the title in titles of books and articles.
Style sheet for Mouton journals (PDF)
FolH Review Guidelines and Form (.doc)
English Department
University of Vienna
Uni-Campus AAKH, Hof 8
Spitalgasse 2
1090 Wien
Phone.: +43 1 4277
Fax: +43 1 4277
eMail: folh.anglistik@univie.ac.at
T: +43-1-4277-424 20
F: +43-1-4277-424 99